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ArchiMed: Mining medical archives and pathological collections in the digital age. Artificial intelligence at the frontiers of biology and the humanities – Projet FNS Weave UNIGE-UNISTRA

Autism Through Cinema – What is the role of the moving image in the historical emergence and understanding of autism? 

BodyCapital – The Healthy Self as Body Capital – Université de Strasbourg

Chair for Science Studies, ETH ZH – Prof. Michael Hagner

CinEXmedia – Ensuring Well-Being in the Screen Age

CIRST, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie – Prof. Alexandre Klein (Université d’Ottawa)

DicoPolHiS – Dictionnaire Politique d’Histoire de la Santé, Prof. Hervé Guillemain

Drone TV – Medical Television – FNS+Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History – Dr. Anne-Katrin Weber

eikones, Zentrum für die Theorie und Geschichte des Bildes – Basel

European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health (EHMH) – European Association for the History of Medicine and Health and the Swiss Society for the History of Medicine and Sciences

FENS – Federation of European Neuroscience Society

HandiRTSArchives – Projet de recherche FNS sur le handicap dans les archives de la RTS (2019-2023)

H-Madness – Ressources in History of Madness –

HSSuisse – History of Science Switzerland Network

Historien.nnes de la santé – Réseau de recherche en histoire de la santé

Institut des humanités médicales, CHUV/FBM, Prof. Dr. Vincent Barras

Institut für Medizingeschichte, Université de Bern, Prof. Dr. Hubert Steinke

La Collaboration UNIL + Cinémathèque suisse

Memoriav – Sauvergarde et mise en valeur du patrimoine audiovisuel suisse

NIH – Neurosciences and History in Images, Sociedad española de Neurologia (SEN)

Psychiatrie-Museum Bern – Andreas Altorfer

RHUM – Réseau d’historiens universitaires de la médecine

RomandPsy – Facebook Page – Dr. Camille Jaccard

SGGMN – SSHMSN – History of Medicine and Sciences in Switzerland

Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy